The Secret

“The Secret” Detective Michael Ryan wrestles with the truth in this dark short film shot for this weekends DFM 24 hour film project
Well I have been a member of the Dublin Film Makers group for a while now. Last weekend we did a 24 hour film project. If you don’t know about this idea it is simply a short film that is made in 24 hours. On the Thursday before we meet up and split into teams. Then three genres are picked from a hat and the group works on an idea for a short film 3 -5 minutes or there about. At the end of the meeting someone takes on the job of writing a script and the team meets on Saturday to shoot it, it is edited on Sunday and shown that night. Well it’s a tall order but a lot of fun and a great learning platform. I had the pleasure of working with Actor and script writer John Gerard Healy, Actor David Gaffney and we were lucky enough to have composer Gabriel Frank Reyer. As I said it was great fun and I’m very happy with the results, Yes it would have been great to have someone doing sound, It gets a little windy at times but that is how the cookie crumbles. Anyway if you would like to have a look you can see the short on the link below.